How to Save Money on Your Wedding Photography

Written by Curator, Lisa Kathan Photography

Country wedding

Hiring a photographer for your wedding is one of the biggest parts of a wedding budget. Even if you’re eloping or having the tiniest of weddings, an experienced, professional wedding photographer is going to be a significant part of what you spend on your wedding.

Since I photograph so many small weddings, I am often THE most spendy part of a couple’s wedding budget. Still, some couples just can’t afford to hire their ideal photographer for an entire day with all the bells and whistles. So here are a few tips I share with my couples who really want to book me as their photographer and need to find a way to do it for maybe a little less.

Fewer Hours of Coverage

Give it some thought: do you really need your photographer while you get your hair done, or will iPhone photos do the trick? Do you need all of the reception covered, or can you get by with having your photographer there for 30 minutes into the dancing? Or even have them wrap up before the dinner starts? 

For most couples, the most critical parts of the day are some detail photos, the first look, the ceremony, family photos, and an extended time of photos with the couple, and maybe some cocktail hour photos. Some couples are okay with even less. Think about what you will want in your photo album, and hire your photographer for that. At the end of the day, it’s better to have 4 or 5 hours of amazing photos from your wedding day, than 10 hours of meh photos. 

Many photographers are happy to shoot a partial day vs. a 10-hour day, and in the end, this will save you some money.

Elopement wedding Chicago

Hire Just the Photographer

Some photographers offer packages that include prints, albums, engagement sessions, and more. However, if you really just want amazing photos, and you plan to purchase an album at your first anniversary or after you get your cash wedding gifts, hire a photographer that offers à la carte pricing for photography and image delivery only.

Plan a Tiny Wedding or Elopement

If you’re dreaming of a big traditional wedding, this probably won’t work for you. But if you’re open to having a super memorable day with lots of photos from your favorite photographer, consider eloping or having a tiny wedding, with just the ceremony and photos, and maybe a champagne toast, while forgoing venue and reception. This will save you loads of money overall, and you can even plan a fun BBQ or backyard party for everyone else at a later date! 

You’ll have tons of photos to share with your guests from your wedding day, and believe me, you will have memories for a lifetime. 

Be Realistic About How Much a Photographer Costs

just married couple

There is a reason photographers charge what seems like a lot -- and very little has to do with the time they spend photographing your wedding. On top of all the pre-planning work they do with you, and post-production of your images, there are things like editing software, education, image delivery, reaaaally expensive camera and lighting equipment, maintenance of their equipment, insurance, and so much more. It’s really expensive to be a professional photographer, and I assure you, out of what you pay them, they are only making a portion of that as income. 

So when you start searching for the perfect photographer to capture your day, be realistic about how much it costs to hire a good wedding photographer. In the Chicago area, you can look to spend about $500-$1k PER HOUR for a quality, experienced photographer. If having great, memorable photos is important to you, you should figure that into your overall wedding budget during your early planning.