Wedding Vibes - It's 2022 and its time to find the right DJ for you!

Written by Curator Eric Sampson (Jem) of DJ Firm

To all my brides, grooms and fellow industry friends! I hope all is well and we are finally back to business. I am so happy to be back with Chi Thee Wed and I have so many thoughts, tips and suggestions that I don’t know where to start. I do know that my approach to this blog will be different as I will try my hardest to answer the question surrounding event entertainment in a way that truly serves the people. I am also not here to be long winded so you may find my posts more straight to the point. So with that said, let's get started on a topic that I'm sure every couple has found hard to answer, especially if they haven't gotten any glowing referrals from friends or haven’t heard a live DJ in years.

The question:

How do I find the right DJ for my wedding?

The Answer:

Well of course I couldn’t just give you this answer in one long breathy paragraph, so I broke it down into 6 of the most important actions you need to consider so you can find that perfect music match. 

  1. The first action requires you to do rechearch on the company or individual brand. You want to make sure that their brand portrays the vibe that you are looking for at your wedding. 

  2. If entertainment is on your top 3 vendors list then you need to consider value versus cost. If music is important then please make your decision based on the value the company or individual is offering. Having a great DJ is so much more than somebody showing up to press play and you need to be able to evaluate that. 

  3. Whether you go with a highly reviewed company or an individual you need to evaluate the processes and standards that are being established by the business. This starts with general responses for that DJ or company. Remember, details are everything. Having a great process from start to finish will result in the best party.

  4. After you have done your research and have properly vetted the company, it's super important to know who the DJ will be before you book or commit to a deposit. You want to know what DJ will be present at your wedding so you can compare that individual to other DJs. 

  5. Ask to hear samples from that DJ or take the opportunity to listen to the DJ in a live public setting. You want to ensure that they can produce high quality transitions and get a sense of his/her mixing style. This will add so much to the flow of your dance floor. 

  6. Having a conversation with the DJ is one of the last actions you want to take. It's important to talk to the DJ before booking so you can get a feel for their personality and ask questions on how they approach certain situations. 

Some of these actions may seem a little bit obvious but they are very important in the process of narrowing down that search. I am super stoked to hear your feedback and find out if these actions were helpful in your search process. Please remember to give my team a follow on all platforms. We would love for you to join our community so give us a shout and share this post if it was helpful. Thank you so much for taking the time to connect in advance and please reach out to with any feedback, questions, or comments.

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