Montrose Beach Queer Sunrise Beach Couple’s Session with Rescue Dog

Written and Photography by Mei Lin Barral Photography


On the Northside in Chicago, Montrose Beach is a spectacular spot to enjoy a couple’s portrait session. It features the beach that even includes a dedicated dog park section for your four-legged family to get some pre-photo energy out. With an attached pier, you get the beautiful Chicago skyline in view with the soft lapping lake waves. Additionally, there is a bird sanctuary at the very tip of the south end of Montrose Beach for those nice tree photos. To make the most of this location, like Alexa & Emily did, come for a sunrise session to beat the crowds.


Emily (she/her) & Alexa (they/them) celebrated their upcoming city hall marriage with a Chicago Montrose Beach sunrise portrait session featuring their beloved rescue dog Dante (he/him). College sweethearts, Emily & Alexa met their freshman year of college. From being on the crew team in college, adopting not one, but three animals together (Dante plus two very cute cats named Mu & Simon), to living in multiple states together, they’ve had a lot of wonderful experiences in their twelve years as a couple.

Lovers of traveling and experiencing new things, Alexa & Emily have friends and family spread out all over the States. Whenever they take a trip just the two of them, they inevitably end up visiting their loved ones as well; they always have someone in their corner of the world, wherever they are.


They’ve always planned on getting married, so it wasn’t a surprise that they got engaged, it was only a matter of time. As practical people, they’ve always focused more on the relationship they’ve created and uplifted and so a big traditional wedding was not their ideal. The way they are planning to get married feels very true to them and this was a lovely way to commemorate it. After enjoying some well-deserved newlywed time, Alexa & Emily will enjoy a dinner with close friends and family to continue the celebration of their love.


It was a classic story of adopting a dog through Craigslist and Dante was smaller than either of them had expected. What he lacked for in physical size though, he more than made up for in personality. Over the years they have been steadily switching out his too-big items for Dante-sized ones. In addition to them celebrating their upcoming marriage, Dante their rescue dog has entered his more senior years. They wanted to be able to commemorate this moment of his and their lives together. (Their two cats happily stayed cozy at home with their favorite cat-sitter).

Here’s to the (almost) beginning of this new wonderful part of their lives.

Congratulations in advance to Dante’s parents Alexa & Emily!

Wedding Pro’s:
Photography: Mei Lin Barral Photography
Location: Montrose Beach
Ring Designer: I Hate Steve Singer