Sean & Bryan's Winter Lakeside Proposal

Chicago North Avenue Beach Proposal Nicole Morisco Photography

She said “YES!” The Holiday’s are our favorite time of year to celebrate all of the wonderful new engagements! Sean and Bryan’s proposal story is told by Photographer Nicole, of Nicole Morisco Photography:

“I met Sean and Byran when I was shooting Sean's brothers wedding this past summer! Bryan contacted me a week before and mentioned he was proposing to Sean and when he asked if I could be there to capture the moment I of course said I would love to be a part of it!

I arrived to North Avenue Beach a bit before them and hung out on the beach (I could barely feel my fingers!) and had to wear sunglasses since Sean obviously knows who I am. I tried to not be super obvious which was a little hard since the beach was pretty empty. I pretended to take photos of the buildings and water as they walked up and played with their pup Sheffield. A couple minutes later, Bryan got down on one knee and proposed! It was such a beautiful day and the lighting was absolutely amazing.

They were both so happy and I'm super excited for them!’

Chicago North Avenue Beach Proposal Nicole Morisco Photography

Wedding Pro’s:
Photographer: Nicole Morisco Photography