Things to Consider When Hiring a Photographer + Videographer

Written by Curator Emma Mullins, owner of Emma Mullins Photography

Should I hire the same company for Photo + Video?

This decision is a highly personal one and completely up to you (provided you don’t have an obligation to one company or another… see below). As a wedding photographer who manages a team of photographers and videographers, I’m always thrilled when couples book us for both services!

A few advantages to working with the same Photo + Video company:

  1. Teamwork. Because we need a lot of the same shots and perspectives to do our jobs effectively, your photographer and videographer will work closely together the entire day. The best possible way to ensure your photographer and videographer are on the same page is to hire a team that has worked together previously (ideally more than once). Working with my own team, we know what to expect from each other and allow ourselves space to capture what we need, in order to best serve the couple.

  2. Similar aesthetic. There are infinite styles of photography and videography to choose from, and if you trust one team to capture it all, you won’t have to worry that they’ll have a completely different look and feel. If the overall aesthetic of your wedding photos and video is important to you, I highly encourage you to hire one company that can provide both services!

  3. Less paperwork, fewer meetings. Our couples are busy with their own lives, jobs, and wedding planning, and anything we can do to save them time is always appreciated. When you book both photography and videography with us, we’ll have one contract that covers both services (even if videography is booked at a later date). Your videographer may even join our final consult - no need to meet with them separately or have the same conversation twice.

I hired an amazing photographer! Do I really NEED videography??

I might be a little biased, but in my opinion, still photographs can tell such vivid stories by themselves. BUT videography offers something more: sound and motion! Not only will it bring back memories of your favorite people, but you can actually hear their voices, watch them interact, and listen to the music they’re dancing to. All the sights AND sounds of your wedding celebration. Think of what this will mean to future generations, who may not have the opportunity to know some of the people in your wedding film! Wedding videography is an excellent way to document your family history, and 100% worth the investment.

Good Audio vs. Poor Audio

The biggest thing I’ve learned since we started offering videography in 2019 is that audio makes a HUGE difference. Yes, guests will most likely record photos and video throughout your wedding day, which will be super fun to see! However, professional audio is the KEY to creating a successful wedding film, and your guests most likely won’t be carrying around a strategically-placed microphone.

If having a moving picture of your wedding day is important to you, please, please don’t settle for asking a guest to record your ceremony on their phone. Even if it looks okay, the sound quality alone will make you wish you’d hired a professional.

Is it bad etiquette to hire an outside videographer if my wedding photographer also offers videography services?

Short answer: No! If your photographer requires you to work within their team for videography services, it should be spelled out plainly in their contract. Otherwise, rest assured you have the freedom to hire the videography team of your choice. If there is any confusion regarding your photographer’s policy on this, check with them before hiring a separate videography company.

And there you have it! Truly, there are some extremely talented and professional videography teams in Chicago. Whether you hire one company to capture photos and video or multiple vendors, know that we’re all here for YOU and want your day to be the absolute best.

Happy Planning!!